Transcription: Hey, this is Rhys Barker. Welcome to my website. Um, in this website, I have, um, created the following elements and I'm just going to, Show you a quick walkthrough of everything starting with the about me page. So in this page, I basically talk about I just give myself a short bio of who I am, you know I'm currently a first year computer information systems student and My goal is really to just dive into tech and really explore what I enjoy And, um, moving on to projects. These are the two projects that I've done so far. I've created this basic calculator app for Android, which has, um, it has features such as adding, subtracting, multiplying, basic arithmetic stuff, but it also works with, um, decimal numbers, which I find very interesting. Um, I also created this inventory management system, which was created For this, um, imaginary toy star and basically allows you to, um, work within this database where you get to, um, add toys, modify the stock of toys, uh, search toys, et cetera, et cetera. And last, lastly, I included my resume and yeah, that's about it.